- Don't drink the water. It has heavy metals in it. Don't even cook with it.
- Don't take the plugs out of the drain - there are cockroaches.
- Don't go anywhere where crossing the road is necessary.
- Don't be tall. It scares everyone. In our case, even the Westerners.
- Smile. People stare, but it's okay!
- Say hello (annyong haseyo), or thank you (kamsahamnida), or goodbye (annyong hi kaseyo). It impresses people.
- The Korean ATMs don't accept non-Korean cards, at least not outside of Seoul. Bring enough cash to tide you over for the first month. Luckily, the crime rate is low.
- Some people can't speak English but think they can.
- Children will call you 'Teacher.' It's not that they've forgotten your name, it's cultural!
- Western hair seems to get greasier faster. Use minimal conditioner.
- Threatening children with "flying lessons" works, and is particularly effective when you're teaching on the third floor.